Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Day 108 - April 18, 2012 - I can't believe they did this!

My fellow grand jury panel threw me a surprise bridal shower in the court room. I was floored. I kept bringing in some snacks for everyone and I tried to make jury duty as fun as possible because I knew the majority of the people working grand jury really didn't want to do it. I never expected them to return the goodness by chipping in for a courtroom shower. Shawn and I got our dream coffee pot, a grinder that might be better then the one we registered for, a bake ware set and coffee pot cleaner. Plus a cake!


  1. It was very nice of them! I haven't gotten to meet up with any of my jury duty buddies since Jury Duty, but I'm planning to host a party for them sometime in October after the wedding is finished.
