Friday, November 23, 2012

Day 326 - November 23, 2012 - Equal opportunity holiday desk

Last year I just put Christmas decorations up on my work desk. This year I wanted to be nice and show respect for Milli, Ellen and Esther. I share an office with them and they are all Jewish, I'm the only catholic/christian in my office right now. Even Sal who shares a desk with Esther and is sometimes in our office is Jewish too. So before I bought any decorations I asked on freecycle and I had a nice woman who had some decorations her son made in school available, she was also willing to drop them off to the library for me. She bought them last week, so I was able to decorate my desk the day after Thanksgiving. This is the menorah I got along with a piece of the Christmas decorations that I put up last year. My desk is predominately Christmas but Hanukah friendly as well now.

Day 325 - November 22, 2012 - The Unseen side of Thanksgiving

It was a good Thanksgiving this year! Shawn and I went to my family, normally I don't see my family on Thanksgiving but this year they had a rough time with Hurricane Sandy so we figured we'll see them for a little bit. Then we came back to eat dinner with Shawn's family. I snapped this photo after I finally took my camera out, it's a candid of Nonny, Sue, Mike and Yosef just waiting for dinner to be ready and hanging out.

Day 324 - November 21, 2012 - Giving Thanks for coffee!

I needed some more coffee...was running low at home, so I picked up Starbucks Thanksgiving Blend and two cans from Trader Joe's.

Day 323 - November 20, 2012 - Got this!

I saw this at Starbucks a few weeks ago, I caved and bought it even though I thought it was kind of expensive. It's an advent calendar. I'm going to start using it on December 1.

Day 322 - November 19, 2012 - Starbucks is ready for Christmas

I forgot to take a picture with my real camera, luckily I always take a cell phone picture when I check into foursquare. I took this photo while I was at Starbucks. I think next year I won't do this project again. I've done it for two years already and currently I have so much going on that this is just an extra added pressure and I actually can't wait for it to be finished.

Day 321 - November 18, 2012 - Alisa's 30th Birthday party

I attended Alisa's 30th birthday party in the city. It was fun, I haven't gone to the city in awhile neither have I seen Alisa in awhile.

Day 320 - November 17, 2012 - YAY!

Besides going to the mall and to the bank today I went to West Babylon Library with Terry and got a library card, I also checked out my first book from there! I'm not sure if I'm going to end up reading this book though, I have so much checked out on my Hewlett card that if I don't get around to it I'll just have to bring it back.

Day 319 - November 17, 2012 - Silly Husband!

I picked up this present last minute for Alisa. It's a pair of furry earmuffs/headphones for your mp3 player. I don't see Alisa much but I know she was into fur, I have a feeling these are made from synthetic fur though. When I showed the gift to Shawn he decided to model them, and I wanted to make it my photo of the day. I had to make sure to post it after Alisa's party though.

Day 318- November 15, 2012 - I love this!

My suitcase wasn't working out to well, it was way too big and actually wasn't fitting as much as I wanted in it anyway. So for a couple of days I was carrying two regular bags, one for work and one as a regular purse. I was considering buying a back pack or a briefcase on wheels similar to this one, then Terry saved the day! She had this in the garage she lugged it out for me and it's just perfect. It fits so much stuff! And I can keep Stanley my thermos of coffee now and not consider buying a smaller one.

Day 317 - November 14, 2012 - Whew!

When I get on the train if it's a particularly warm late fall or Winter day I'm pretty hot by the time I get on the train from walking around with my heavy winter jacket on. I'm so hot I strip the jacket off when I get on the train and hang it up to cool off.

Day 316 - November 13, 2012 - Quasi Healthy Snacks

So I loaded up on quasi healthy snacks at Trader Joe's so I would occasionally eat something besides candy at my desk. I'm still eating the candy though, my trying to be semi -health conscious lasted a day lol.

Day 315 - November 12, 2012 - Plum Madness!

So I decided to check out all of the Stephanie Plum books so far instead of just reading one at a time. Hopefully I'll read them all before they're due back, if not I'll just have to return them and check them out again.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Day 314 - November 11, 2012 - Short term power outage

Yosef needed to turn the power off. We had a situation in the garage. While the power was out temporarily and my flashlight was in use I was fascinated with the light the flashlight made against the sink and our soap bottles. So I snapped a photo.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Day 313 - November 10, 2012 - My bag is kind of breaking

One of my favorite Betsey Johnson purses is breaking and it's all my fault. I overstuffed it, so now one of the leather hinges is kind of falling apart. I stopped in Trader Joe's before work and bought two cheap tote bags (they are actually good quality bags, but the price was cheap) in addition to mangoes and sunflowers and a card for my 28 month celebration of dating Shawn. I put the bag in my desk drawer and put everything in the totes to go home with. I didn't want the bag to snap and then I'd have to carry it home in my arms.

Day 312 - November 9, 2012 - Now we have honey for life!

It was another frustrating commute day. I got home so late from trying to take a bus and train home because of this gas shortage. Also my bags were really heavy because I went to Trader Joe's and bought us lots of honey and some cat food for phantom. It wasn't a good day, except for the honey mission being completed.

Day 311 - November 8, 2012 - Cracked out cookies

I took this photo after midnight. I was playing with my camera, even though this looks like a bad ass possible drug spread, it's really a measuring cup with some flower and some chocolate chip cookie residue on a cookie pan leftover from baking cookies.

Day 310 - November 7, 2012 - My own private home...for about an hour

I went to Flushing today to meet my friend Jen. In a Nor'Easter on an off day I traveled to Flushing because I'm crazy like that. Jen was giving me copies of DOTV stuff for Diane (who lost her whole house in the hurricane) and she threw in some phantom of the opera stuff which I'm keeping. I got to the train station too late, I just missed the train so I had to wait an hour for the next one. I planned to actually camp out in this wind shelter, but then I realized I forgot my water bottle, so I walked back to the restaurant, retrieved my water bottle then sat in Starbucks with some tea until it was close to the time to catch my train.

Day 309 - November 6, 2012 - Voting is easy this year!

I was so worried about how I was going to vote. Turns out because of Sandy, Governer Cuomo allowed NYers who were displaced to vote in any polling place near them. So I went to vote at Franklin Elementary School, where I voted when I lived here.

Day 308 - November 5, 2012 - Ugh! Commuting problems seem to be here again

This was a terrible commuting week. I hope the upcoming week is better. The bus came very late and I thought I was going to miss this train, I made it on time to the station, but the train of course was running late. Winter's here!

Day 307 - November 4, 2012 - We have much tea

We've accumulated a lot of tea. This is because I'm obsessive and just bought a bunch at the supermarket over a few grocery trips. Pretty soon I hope to get some Christmas flavors Celestial Seasonings puts out even though we have enough tea to last us for five years.

Day 306 - November 3, 2012 - The library opens after 5 days

I was very surprised we were closed this long after Sandy. We had no power for a day or two, then a water sewage treatment plant caught on fire so we couldn't open, after 5 days the director decided we could safely open on November 3. I was kind of a creeper on one of my breaks and took this photo from my office door.

Day 305 - November 2, 2012 - I'm missing this :(

I got really upset today. I was supposed to go to my friend Kate's 30th birthday, I wanted to be there so badly because she came to my party and my wedding. Shawn came home in the afternoon and explained that he didn't want to drive very far because currently there's a crazy gas shortage after Hurricane Sandy. He did say he might want to drive to Melville, but later on in the day after trying to make plans to get to Melville or to the Walt Whitman Mall to get a ride to Kate's party, Shawn was discouraged from even driving to Melville by Yo and Terry. So I missed my friend's birthday party. She wasn't really mad, she knows I tried to get there, I'm going to see her this week sometime and bring her the gift I got and also sing happy birthday to her while we are both hanging out although she'll probably run away after I sing lol.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Day 304 - November 1, 2012 - Another sky shot daily combo hopefully the last

Even though I was home most of the day I was busy, and only got to take a sky shot photo. The day went by so fast and it was past twelve when I realized I only had a sky shot photo again. Everyone was over because most of the family has been without power because of Hurricane Sandy. I even had my friend over to take a shower because she's been without power and heat.

Day 303 - October 31, 2012 - Baby Dracula

Anabel bought Vincent over for Halloween. She dressed him up as Dracula. This photo was from when we took him around the neighborhood to trick or treat.

Day 302 - October 30, 2012 - Devastation Everywhere!

I took a walk through Babylon Village, took a bunch of photos of the damage done by Hurricane Sandy to the village. This lamp post knocked to the ground by wind force was one of them.

Day 301 - October 29, 2012 - Hurricane Sandy knocked down our alternative cooking option

We had a plan that if we lost power we'd use the barbeque. Thankfully we didn't lose our power because Hurricane Sandy knocked over our barbeque. We would have had no way to cook any food, except by using our firepit if we lost power.

Day 300 - October 28, 2012 - In my PJs hoping for the best

I took this shot quite a few times and didn't like any of the photos, because I'm fat, but this was the most decent shot. I was in my PJs getting ready for the onslaught of Hurricane Sandy and hoping by the morning we wouldn't be flooded and I could make chocolate pancakes. I wanted to include phantom kitty in the shot with me.

Day 299 - October 27, 2012 - Calming my nerves

Just used my brain for an hour and a half, maybe two hours. Now calming down with a bottled frap leftover from my coffee spree to CVS.

Day 298 - October 26, 2012 - Another sky daily and not the last one

What's wrong with me? I'm remembering to get my sky shot in but not my daily shot. So I have to use one shot for both.

Day 297 - October 25, 2012 - Leaves

I've been trying to take some fall photographs but haven't had my camera out of my bag too much. Finally got a quasi leafy pavement photo.

Day 296 - October 24, 2012 - My thermos was contaminated

I put pumpkin spice creamer in my coffee. It tasted gross. Then Shawn said they've been using chemicals sometimes for the creamers. I didn't want to drink my coffee anymore so I bought a huge cup and three bottled fraps to get through work for the afternoon. I ended up actually not drinking the frapps just the huge cup of coffee.

Day 295 - October 23, 2012 - Crack or confectioner's sugar

Stayed home from work, my stomach wasn't doing too well. It started to feel better so I made some french toast. This was leftover confectioner's sugar that fell on the table rather then the french toast.

Day 294 - October 22, 2012 - New Project

I've started a new project called 365 days of sky. No matter what I'm trying to get one sky shot daily. Today I missed my real daily shot and only got a sky shot so that's the daily photo.