Monday, November 12, 2012

Day 305 - November 2, 2012 - I'm missing this :(

I got really upset today. I was supposed to go to my friend Kate's 30th birthday, I wanted to be there so badly because she came to my party and my wedding. Shawn came home in the afternoon and explained that he didn't want to drive very far because currently there's a crazy gas shortage after Hurricane Sandy. He did say he might want to drive to Melville, but later on in the day after trying to make plans to get to Melville or to the Walt Whitman Mall to get a ride to Kate's party, Shawn was discouraged from even driving to Melville by Yo and Terry. So I missed my friend's birthday party. She wasn't really mad, she knows I tried to get there, I'm going to see her this week sometime and bring her the gift I got and also sing happy birthday to her while we are both hanging out although she'll probably run away after I sing lol.

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