Monday, December 31, 2012

Day 364 - December 31, 2012 - Last time this year I'll be here!

Okay maybe I should have named this blog the 364 day challenge. For some reason unless I miscalculated (which is highly possible) it only seems I've gotten 364 days for 2012 and not 365. Anyway I wanted to wrap this project up so I walked into work and snapped a photo, even though I'm sure I'm going to get better photos later on this evening and maybe some photos tomorrow. This is the last photo of the work place I'll be taking in 2012. Goodbye for the year big desk I'll see you again in 2013. I'm not doing this project again for 2013. I've done it for two years now the first year was from October of 2010 to October of 2011 and then this year from Jan 1 until today. I love taking photos but I've had enough of the daily pressure of trying to take one photo a day, and also posting sometimes crappy and ordinary photos just to get one done. I think for this year in 2013 I'll actually try printing and selling some of my work if it sells. I also want to get started on the book I hope to write. I'm also hoping this year will be better then last. 2012 was an odd year full of ups and downs. It's like one good thing happened, followed by one bad thing. I'm hoping in 2013 anyone who's jobless that I know will find a job, I'm hoping my parents will be back in their house soon, I'm hoping Shawn and I will possibly get an awesome start on socking away some money to accomplish our married dreams, I'm hoping everyone will be happier and that 2013 will be an awesome year! I'm also happy we are all still alive and that the world wasn't over and ended on December 21.

Day 363 - December 30, 2012 - About time for a new pair

The sneakers I was using for the gym are about 3 and a half years old. My mom actually bought them for me when I was poor and first moved into my apartment. They actually lasted awhile and they are still good enough to wear for any grunt work I might have to do plus I'll probably still use them for softball but I did need a new pair because they were starting to slightly wear down. Yosef gave me a Modell's gift card for Christmas so I went with Shawn and found these training sneakers on sale. I like training sneakers because I don't really run, training sneakers are great for gym time. I also got a headband/earmuff headwarmer combo because I usually just walk to the gym wearing a fleece and need something to keep my ears warm for the short walk to the gym.

Day 362 - December 29, 2012 - Will someone please eat these?

Since I moved my desk at work it's nearly impossible to get rid of the chocolate I have. I love reese's but I'm really trying to be careful about what I eat (although over the past few days I haven't been that great), so I just want someone to gobble these up.

Day 361 - December 28, 2012 - Yelping like crazy

I've just recently rediscovered Yelp! I write a lot of reviews but don't take many photos. This is one of the first photos of a business that I put up on yelp, it's the seating area of the green cactus in West Babylon that Shawn and I go to a lot.

Day 360 - December 27, 2012 - Killer heels and snakeskin boots

I got these heels at Loehmann's before Christmas. I love them, but I have to be so careful wearing them and they hurt the upper part of my foot a little if I wear them too long. On my break from work today I picked up a pair of snakeskin doc marten type of boots for $19. I was wearing the killer heels at work so I took a photo of both on a break.

Day 359 - December 26, 2012 - New mini-obsession

Shawn got me a fit bit one for Christmas. This is a photo of it on my pants pocket in action. It records how many steps you take in day, how many flights of stairs you climb, how long you slept, how many calories you burn and has a silent alarm clock that vibrates to wake you up in the morning. So far I love it but I'm not 100 % sure about the accuracy of the pedometer or how many calories I burn. It also syncs with your computer using blue tooth so you can keep a record of activity.

Day 358 - December 25, 2012 - Merry Kitty Christmas!

Shawn loved his Christmas gift. I got him the necomimi cat ears that move around according to your brain waves and mood. The original ears were white, but I bought extra red and black colored ears so he could customize his ears. Here's a photo of him with the ears chewing on an extra long twizzler.