Monday, December 31, 2012

Day 364 - December 31, 2012 - Last time this year I'll be here!

Okay maybe I should have named this blog the 364 day challenge. For some reason unless I miscalculated (which is highly possible) it only seems I've gotten 364 days for 2012 and not 365. Anyway I wanted to wrap this project up so I walked into work and snapped a photo, even though I'm sure I'm going to get better photos later on this evening and maybe some photos tomorrow. This is the last photo of the work place I'll be taking in 2012. Goodbye for the year big desk I'll see you again in 2013. I'm not doing this project again for 2013. I've done it for two years now the first year was from October of 2010 to October of 2011 and then this year from Jan 1 until today. I love taking photos but I've had enough of the daily pressure of trying to take one photo a day, and also posting sometimes crappy and ordinary photos just to get one done. I think for this year in 2013 I'll actually try printing and selling some of my work if it sells. I also want to get started on the book I hope to write. I'm also hoping this year will be better then last. 2012 was an odd year full of ups and downs. It's like one good thing happened, followed by one bad thing. I'm hoping in 2013 anyone who's jobless that I know will find a job, I'm hoping my parents will be back in their house soon, I'm hoping Shawn and I will possibly get an awesome start on socking away some money to accomplish our married dreams, I'm hoping everyone will be happier and that 2013 will be an awesome year! I'm also happy we are all still alive and that the world wasn't over and ended on December 21.

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