Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Day 216 - August 5, 2012 - Goodbye old friend

I took this photo for e-Bay to demonstrate the LCD of my old camera which I decided to sell. I decided to sell my old camera for a few reasons. First for almost a year it's been just laying there on my desk unused. Second I was in panic mode. I was panicked about trying to get money together for the wedding, this is something I really don't have to worry about anymore. Shawn and I have decided to combine finances, I also revealed to him all of the debt and credit cards I have. It was a little embarrassing to reveal this information to him, but we are getting married he would have had to have found out eventually. In a way it's pretty good because he is taking over all the finances. He's going to teach me what I have to do in order to be more responsible with my money if he isn't around to help for some reason. It works out well though because now I don't have to panic so much about the wedding, since we'll be combining our money together. It will also help me a lot in the future I won't spend so crazy because I know he'll be able to see the account, but at this point I need a person to be able to view what I'm doing financially before I dig myself into a deeper hole with the debt. I kind of need a watchdog. So anyway this camera went up for sale. It sold on e-Bay but not for as much as I was hoping it'd bring in. It was an older camera though, I dropped it a few times, it was in working condition but the body was a little broken, I shouldn't have expected to bring in lots of cash for it.

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