Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Day 220 - August 9, 2012 - Late night munchies and bonus photos that I didn't take

Thursdays are an off eating day for me. I usually wake up around 8ish even though I could still sleep a little later even with taking buses and trains. I eat an early breakfast, head out to work, then around 3 I am starving even though my lunch break is at 4. I eat some food at 3, then I might have a snack or something, and again sometimes late at night I'm starving again. One of the disadvantages of my job is this 4 PM break. The other libraries I worked for always gave the employees a 5 PM or 6 PM break when eating dinner. Not this library, if you work a night, your dinner break is usually at 4. So I came home starving and ate leftover onion rings. This day was a little different I went to work at 5 because Shawn and I got our marriage license done and then I had to go to David's Bridal and get my newly purchased dress fitted for alterations. There's bonus pictures to this entry of Shawn and I at town hall after we got our marriage license done! They'll be on google + too but for now they are here!

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