Friday, September 28, 2012

Day 262 - September 20, 2012 - The fake fanboy Johnny Cash Museum

So I got pretty excited at work when Esther told me a guy on Felter Avenue in Woodmere turned his house into a Johnny Cash museum. I'm not a crazy ass Johnny Cash fan but I figured my dad and Shawn would like to see it and hell I'd go along for the ride too. So my lunch/dinner break at 4 PM had a great sense of purpose, to find this museum. I stopped at Dunkin Donuts like a good quasi self titled investigator/copper should then trekked to Felter Avenue. I was expecting a sort of run down house, I was expecting to see a phone number to call on the outside or at least access to knock on the door. Instead I see this ritzy looking house blocked by a gate with a high tech security camera on a pole, scanning the premises. I took some photographs, I tried to see if there was a buzzer on the gate or if it opened so I could knock on the door. No luck. I finally asked neighbors who told me he's just a Johnny Cash fan but the museum is not really a museum we could visit, that this crazy kook just named his house a museum. I walked back to work dejected and disappointed. Esther swears people have gone in here before so my investigation may continue.

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