Friday, September 28, 2012

Day 265 - September 25, 2012 - Playing like the METs

We gathered together for some softball. Pictured here in the photo is my friend Julie who started organizing these monthly softball events in 2010 and my Shawn playing first base. It was a weird day we all played pretty terribly, Anthony got hit in the ankle, I got railed in the head. It was still fun and a nice day out to play.

Also as long as the world doesn't end, there's 100 more days of photographs for this year. I'm debating doing this project again next year. Not too many people seem all that interested in it, it does suck when I have to write about a bad event or bad day, but it's nice to have this snapshot of each day as well, so I might do it again for 2013 if everyone is still around and technology still works. 

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