Thursday, July 5, 2012

Day 182 - July 1, 2012 - On my birthday!

My family, being the geniuses they are (sarcasm here) decided to throw my bridal shower on my 30th birthday. Janell and Lisa, the two girls I wish were really my sisters made the event tolerable. I was grateful to have a shower but I will admit I was kind of pissed off at them for picking my birthday to throw it. I know it's retarded to be pissed about but I'm sorry I was and I won't lie about my feelings. I didn't wish to mix my birthday up in wedding events, yes my little sister did it because she chose to get married on her birthday, but I'm not her. I wanted my birthday to celebrate my way and do something of my choosing. That probably meant I was just going to have a quiet celebration somewhere, since I'm not really into throwing myself parties, but instead I got the bridal shower with lots of attention thrown on me. I also feel guilty now that we've had the shower, I feel like I've milked my friends and family for presents, our apartment is overloaded, we have stuff in the garage we won't be able to use for a long time, maybe this wasn't such a good idea. I know everyone has a shower, or maybe they should but maybe as everything seems so far with these wedding plans this wasn't the right choice for us.

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