Friday, July 20, 2012

Day 199 - July 19, 2012 - This bruise looks like Orion's nebula

I was attempting to photograph my injuries for the insurance. I kind of failed at it, unless Shawn likes the shots I took pre cropping. This was one of the pre cropping shots. This is my worst bruise from the accident it looks like Orion's nebula. As of this writing it's July 20, I didn't get in a daily shot yet, it's day 200 of my project, I hope the shot will be sort of happy. This year has been so strange. It's been so up and down. First something bad happens, then something good gets us happy again, we think the year might be going well after all and then we crash and burn again because something bad happens again. There's a few lights at the end of the tunnel after this accident. Even though public transportation is going to be a bitch sometimes, especially when I have to get to work by 9 AM, I think I might lose at least 5 lbs because I will be walking a lot. I have almost 8,000 steps on my pedometer alone and that's from walking in between train and bus stops and at lunch. I might lose 10 and gain 5 back, right now I'm eating but my appetite is definitely lacking. When I'm sad for some reason I just don't care so much about enjoying some food, when I'm happy I definitely like to eat. Whatever I end up eating, I only eat because I am just really hungry or I am forcing it down because I know I need to eat even if I don't feel like it. This happened after the first accident too.

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