Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Day 203 - July 23, 2012 - Mark talks about Flash

Pretty anxious day today. Since the accident I've been managing to have a little bit of fun to take my mind of things, but it still keeps creeping up in my mind, it's in the back of my thoughts and I'm still worrying about the potential fall out from all of it. I didn't mean for it to happen and I feel really bad about the whole situation. I'm so worried about everything, about what's going to happen to Shawn and I, about our future. I went to an adobe user's group meeting after work while Shawn went to take care of some stuff for the accident. I offered to go with him but he told me to go cover the meeting so I can get an article out of it. So I went to cover the meeting and be there as a representative for both of us to see our friend Mark give a flash presentation. Mark is single ladies so if anyone reading this blog thinks they might like him let me know.

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