Thursday, July 5, 2012

Day 180 - June 29, 2012 - It's a bad idea to grocery shop hungry

Had the day off from work. Was pretty busy, I ate breakfast had coffee then ran out the door to pick up Grizzabella's ashes in Mid-Island. I got lost going there, and coming back. I was late to meet my sister Louise, we haven't talked in 7 months and she finally wanted to talk again so I met her for coffee, then I went grocery shopping. I was kind of hungry because I only ate my breakfast and while I was driving around and getting lost I didn't stop for anything to eat. As a result there were some extra items in my grocery cart, including these pringles, chocolate chip cookies (which we gave to the people hosting pre cana), and vanilla coke. This is also now why I weigh 175 lbs, I really need to cut out the junk food, or at least get back to exercising more.

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