Thursday, July 5, 2012

Day 184 - July 3, 2012 - Here we go again!

I've been seriously lacking in my exercise routines. I actually got really scared because the doctor I went to for my physical called. I have to get another blood test done in August, they want me to have an echocardiogram stress test too. Shawn's mom said it could be routine, at certain ages the doctors give certain test as protocol, Shawn said they don't know I'm a vegetarian and might just be trying to make sure nothing is wrong with my heart, he said if something is wrong, it's good they know now while we could probably do something about it. So I decided to try to get back into my exercise routine. I did 20 minutes of just dance. Hopefully I can get in at least 20 more minutes tomorrow night after pre cana boot camp is over. I'm a little nervous about these tests and hope picking up my exercise routine again will help. I'm going to try to make a point to exercise 2 times a week for now, I'm doing 20 minutes for a week or two, then upping the ante to 30 minutes. I walk on my lunch breaks most of the time, but I need to do more then that.

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