Thursday, May 10, 2012

Day 123 - May 3, 2012 - A sleeping man + a bonus photo of Nancy Pearl!

Today I went to the Long Island Library Conference. It was my first time attending this conference, in years past I opted for going to book expo because I could take the train in and get there fairly easily, now that I've been driving I figured I could drive to the conference since it's on Long Island but it's a pain in the ass to get to if you don't drive. Apparently one librarian was bored out of his mind because he fell asleep during a speaking session.

I've never posted two photos in a daily entry before but I felt this entry warranted two photographs. I went to this conference because I was really excited to see Nancy Pearl. She's pretty big and amazing in the library world. That blurb at the podium (because I didn't have my zoom lens) that's Nancy Pearl speaking to the crowd!

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