Thursday, May 10, 2012

Day 128 - May 8, 2012 - I hate this!

So every year I get very excited for Spring and Summer to come. I love the warm weather. To me a perfect day is a nice bright sunny day, no wind, 80 degrees or higher outside. I can ditch my tights, throw on a pair of shorts underneath my dress, wear a cute pair of sandals or flip flops and prance around in the sun. To me this is one of the best feelings. Spring is here, but we're getting gloom and doom and apparently May showers. It's cold and yucky outside. This photo was taken in my car before I started driving to Plainedge to cover a school district meeting. I had on my sweater and a pair of tights even though by this point I was hoping I could ditch the tights for the season.

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