Saturday, May 19, 2012

Day 138 - May 18, 2012 - Clean Desk!

Despite a day off full of minor adventures the only thing I have to show for it is a photo of my eclectic semi-cleaned desk at home. I inherited this desk and computer shortly after I began to go out with Shawn. His ex had it before I did, but I don't mind using it, it's a perfectly good computer and a lovely desk and it was paid for and set up by Shawn so technically in monetary terms it was his in the first place. It kind of still is, I don't see myself ever leaving him (unless he cheats, he smacks me, or we get miserably unhappy) hopefully none of those three will happen, but if that day every happened God Forbid this desk and computer would be his again. It was a real bad mess, I had receipts and papers all over it. I finally cleaned it up again so that I could actually sit at it and use the computer.

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