Thursday, June 28, 2012

Day 171 - June 20, 2012 - Walking around the block

So I've been trying...with some very limited success to take a walk around the block before I start work and after I leave work. I'd like to do this every single day that I go to work, but of course I don't leave the house early enough, or I have to go to my car right after work to leave, little things that make not being able to walk around the black a reality. Today was a day I managed to take a walk before going to my car. I'm hoping every single day to walk at least 4 miles, I installed a pedometer application on my cell phone, every day I work I usually end up getting 2 to 3 miles in but never 4. I figured out when I was taking buses and trains to work I walked a total of 4 miles in a day.

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