Thursday, June 28, 2012

Day 176 - June 25, 2012 - More sadness :(

We found out Chevy had cancer. The vet said they could put her on pregnazone but she wasn't really going to get any better, the meds would just numb the pain of her cancer. They recommended we put her to sleep, so 10 days later we put a second cat down. We took one last photo of her while we were visiting before they put her down. VMCLI is pretty amazing, it sucks to put your animal to sleep but they have a room where you can spend time with your animal before letting them go if it's possible. When Grizz passed away Terry went into the room with her, I couldn't do it. Shawn and I were with Chevy while they gave her the sedative but we couldn't stay for the final shot. I'll miss this cat pretty much as much as I'm going to miss Grizz. She loved my car because she loved cars so I'm going to hold onto Michael for as long as I can in her memory.

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