Thursday, February 2, 2012

Day 27 - January 27, 2012 - BARRY!

For some silly reason I absolutely adore Barry Manilow. My godmother gives me woman's world magazine to read when she is finished reading it. I was leafing through one of the past issues she gave me and found this photo of Barry when he was much younger plus a little blurb about him and his song "Mandy". I got very excited and clipped it out of the magazine to put on one of my cork boards. For now I have 3 cork boards on the wall by my computer desk. I tack random things up there, this one was pretty empty because I took Christmas cards off of it, so there was plenty of room for this picture of a younger Barry for me to oogle. Poor Shawn, on my cork boards are pictures of Barry Manilow and David Hasselhoff as Micheal Knight. I feel bad for what my fiancee has to deal with, for some reason despite my many quirks the guy still loves me as I love him.

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