Thursday, February 2, 2012

Day 26 - January 26, 2012 - A rare visit from Kissy

We have 5 cats at home, for the most part they have free roaming range in between both sections of the house if we keep the door open at the stairway leading down to our place. Kissy cat used to stay upstairs with Terry and barely made an appearance at our place, so I was surprised to see her cuddling on top of some of my dirty clothes that didn't make it to the hamper yet. I documented Kissy's visit and since it was the only photo I took it became the photo of the day. This year's project is going okay but I'm currently lacking enthusiasm for it so I'm not sure it's going to be great work. I've been on this trend where I just snap one photo and call it a day, hopefully I'll start snapping more. One of the things that's not really helping is that I am keeping my camera in a case in my tote bag so it's not easily accessible to whip out while I'm traveling. Perhaps I'll have to sling around my body some more, it's kind of impossible to manage that with a heavy jacket on, so maybe in the better weather I'll start having more shots to chose from.


  1. I do the same. I'm entirely uninspired. :-/

  2. It's very hard being uninspired for a project like this lol. But there are times where I get many shots in a day and times where I manage only one shot and I'm just happy I got the one shot to keep the project going, it's how it is. It's much better when the inspiration flows, or when there's some kind of event going on and you can get many shots in.
