Thursday, February 9, 2012

Day 37 - February 6, 2012 - Time to get serious

So I've lived with Shawn for seven months. When I first moved in I created a cleaning schedule, I was determine to do something every night or day that would take little time because I was planning to keep up with this chore on a weekly basis in order to keep our place clean. That kind of didn't happen. I actually haven't had a clean place since maybe winter/early spring of '10. Once my apartment started to go to hell after the flood I kind of gave up on taking pride in the place and trying to keep it clean. So I looked at the cleaning schedule, added weekly tasks to my phone and today worked on the kitchen a little bit. Since then I missed vacuuming but I'm going to work on it later tonight or on Friday, I'm kind of afraid to bust out the vacuum I'm convinced it doesn't really like me but I will have to do it. 

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