Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Day 48 - February 17, 2012 - Decorating Michael

Had a busy day today, went to Merrick in the early morning to hang out with my friend Janell for a brief time. Then I went back home because we made arrangements to pick up the car in the afternoon. My second car is a Subaru outback impreza sport edition, 1999. So far even though I've only driven it for one day it's on it's way to lasting me longer then the sonata did. I named the car Michael after Michael Crawford (the original phantom in phantom of the opera). The inspiration for the name came when I was trying to phantomize the car. I had this little guy that I hung up on the dashboard, I had him inside the sonata for maybe 3 hours before I had my accident with it, so far he's spent more time in the subaru. We tried to register the car but had a mishap with the insurance, they put the date of the 18th as effective and didn't fax over a correct card in time for the DMV before they were closing. So the car had to stay in the driveway until Shawn could go back for registration on Tuesday.


  1. Congrats on your new car! P.S. I love Michael Crawford's voice!!!

  2. thanks! Hopefully I won't get into an accident with this car....if I do hopefully it won't be for an extremely long time. I'm driving so slow and fearful right now, and I am having so much trouble parking the car very close to the curb. Mostly I've been driving short trips with Shawn in the car, today before work I went around the block by myself, tomorrow I'm off and I'm going to just drive around the local neighborhood streets in the afternoon while it's quiet. It's going to take me a bit before I get back to the level of confidence and skills I had before the accident, accidents for new drivers definitely screw with the small set of skills and confidence that were already developed.

  3. I adore MC's voice too. I have a DVD of one of his concerts if you ever wish to see it one day. I could let you borrow it, if I know we will be at the same club one night, or if you wanted we could make plans to hang out and see it.
