Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Day 13 - January 13, 2012 - This should last me about two weeks

It was my off day today. Went to BJs with Shawn's mother. I love that place, now that I have a car I might make a monthly grocery trip there. We went to pick up things for a birthday party that we are going to throw for Shawn's grandmother. The party was supposed to be Sunday but it's going to be rescheduled. Shawn's mom was sick so she wasn't up to having the party on the scheduled date. I picked up a few things for us, Shawn loves Rice Krispie's treats (he now has 54 of them lol), I got some milk the organic milk is so cheap, much cheaper then when we get it in Pathmark, picked up some soda for him, bread, cat treats and the most important item we could ever have on hand, COFFEE!!! BJs has a 2 1/2 lb bag of Starbucks for $21. Definitely gives me the amount of coffee I need for awhile.

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