Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Day 14 - January 14, 2012 - Sunrise in Lindy

When I met Shawn he inspired me in many ways. One of the things he inspired me to do is to take sky shots with my camera. He always takes the most wonderful sky shots, I was never in the mood to really look up at the wonders of the sky until I met him. Now I realize the beauty of the sky, each day is different, different clouds, different sunlight, different weather can affect the tones of the sky. Now because of my love I take an occasional sky photo. When I was heading to work on the train I thought the sunrise looked gorgeous. I didn't get a chance to snap a photo in Babylon so when the train got to Lindenhurst Station I took a photo of the sunrise with my camera from the train when the doors opened to let Lindy passengers in.

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