Friday, January 6, 2012

Day 5 - January 5, 2012 - Thursday mornings with Vincent

Shawn's cousin Anabel gave birth to this adorable baby boy in April of last year. He's baby Vincent sometimes known as binks, binky or baby boy (I'm sure he's got a slew of additional baby nicknames that I'm unaware of as well). 

Every Thursday morning Shawn's mom usually ends up watching Vincent while Anabel goes to work. I love these Thursday mornings, right now it works out that I work Thursday nights. So even though I probably could sleep a little bit later I still wake up by 9 to get ready and spend some time with my future mother in law and this very precious baby. It's good for her as well because she gets to do a couple of random quick tasks that she wouldn't get to do if someone else wasn't around to keep an eye on Vincent for a second. 

I took this photo while he was in his walker. He looks a little scared, he was smiling right after though when I showed him the camera and he saw himself on the screen after the shot was taken. 


  1. O...M...G. This kid could not possibly be any cuter. Adorable!!!

  2. He's too cute! I have a great photo where he is smiling in his walker, I haven't posted it to google + yet. I also have to change the viewing, I set my album of vincent photos to limited I will have to add you to the few people who can see it lol
