Thursday, March 1, 2012

Day 55 - February 25, 2012 - Teddy is an interesting dog

We went to Peggy and Dave's tonight. After we were going to go out with Emily and Andy but cancelled, we were tired, they were tired, we also got to Peggy and Dave's later then planned. It was Peggy's birthday. Peggy has this adorable cocker spaniel named Teddy. Teddy is a very calm dog and he tolerates anything. Peggy's son Paul sat Teddy on the couch so I took some photos of him sitting there. I joked with Shawn that Teddy is my new fiancee because he's so adorable. In reality I like the men, and although animals are cute I'm not interesting in doing anything but talking to them or petting them. So Teddy could never be my fiancee.

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