Thursday, March 15, 2012

Day 68 - March 9, 2012 - Slowly but surely this is coming together...

I'm trying to get everything in place for our wedding. This is hard because we have time and money constraints. Also even though I've read a ton of wedding books, I don't really have a proper list of what we need to do still. So I'm trying to get the basics in order, maybe I should arrange a proper list. Today I went with Shawn's mom and Jocelyn to Francine's boutique in Sayville. We were on a hunt for my bridal headpiece. I found one and ordered it, with my order I'm getting my bridal shoes for free. I paid more money then I wanted to for the headpiece I picked but the quality of the headpiece is good so it is worth it and you can't argue with the bonus of a pair of wedding shoes that cost $0. 

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