Thursday, March 15, 2012

Day 74 - March 15, 2012 - A perfect combination even though it isn't warm, and it makes me look raggedy...I do look artsy though

I wore my favorite but not so warm former winter jacket today. I love the new winter coat Shawn's mom made me buy but sometimes I pine for this very thin coat that I managed to wear two winters in a row. I figured today would be cold, but I wasn't sure if it would be cold enough for my heavy jacket since it was nice the past few days. I was wrong, it's definitely cold enough for the heavy jacket (or maybe the heavy jacket has me too pampered). So I traipsed around Hewlett before work looking like a poor artist and semi-alarming the zombie crows because potential "riff-raff" is in the neighborhood. I might venture out again for dinner at Ay! Caramba! even though it's a little cold and I probably should just save some money and eat my $2 Trader Joe's noodle meals...we'll see....

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