Thursday, March 1, 2012

Day 59 - February 29, 2012 - I'm going to kill you NCLA

Okay so I'm really not going to murder the NCLA, but they made a mistake that I'm really mad at them over. Apparently it's going to be corrected but we'll see. I went to a workshop at NLS (nassau library association) presented by NCLA (Nassau County Library Association). When I went to sign in I realized they spelled my name as Diane, but I figured it was a typo. Well they spelled it as Diane on my CEU certificate as well. My old boss from Baldwin was there I think she's president of the reference and adult services division, she made a note of the mistake on the attendance sheet and promised to have a corrected CEU certificate sent to me. It really irks me for many reasons when people spell my name as Diane or call me Diane and not Diana. It actually makes me wish my mom didn't chose Diana as my name. The main reason I really hate this is because I don't get along well with my mother, not at all. I am fine if I don't see her regularly but if I see her on a regular basis things get very tough and we constantly argue. I also don't approve of the things my mother does. If you haven't figured already my mother's name is Diane. So because of my mostly negative association with my mother it absolutely annoys the fuck out of me if my name is mispelled as Diane or if someone calls me Diane. It's almost an instant war.

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